Multi-Signature Accounts

Introduction to Multisig Accounts

It is possible to create multi-signature accounts (multisig) in Substrate-based chains. A multisig is composed of one or more addresses and a threshold. The threshold defines how many signatories (participating addresses) need to agree on submitting an extrinsic for the call to be successful.

For example, Alice, Bob, and Charlie set up a multisig with a threshold of 2. This means Alice and Bob can execute any call even if Charlie disagrees with it. Likewise, Charlie and Bob can execute any call without Alice. A threshold is typically a number smaller than the total number of members but can also be equal to it, which means they all have to agree.


Check the "How to create a multisig account" section on this support page. We recommend trying out the tutorial on Westend network - Polkadot's testnet.

Multi-signature accounts have several uses:

  • securing your stash: use additional signatories as a 2FA mechanism to secure your funds. One signer can be on one computer, and another can be on another or in cold storage. This slows down your interactions with the chain but is orders of magnitude more secure.

  • board decisions: legal entities such as businesses and foundations use multisigs to govern over the entity's treasury collectively.

  • group participation in governance: a multisig account can do everything a regular account can. A multisig account could be a council member in Kusama's governance, where a set of community members could vote as one entity.

Multi-signature accounts cannot be modified after being created. Changing the set of members or altering the threshold is not possible and instead requires the dissolution of the current multisig and creation of a new one. As such, multisig account addresses are deterministic, i.e. you can always calculate the address of a multisig by knowing the members and the threshold, without the account existing yet. This means one can send tokens to an address that does not exist yet, and if the entities designated as the recipients come together in a new multisig under a matching threshold, they will immediately have access to these tokens.

Multisig Accounts with the Polkadot-JS UI

Multisig Transactions with Accounts Tab


See this video tutorial to learn how to transact with a multisig account using the Accounts Tab in the Polkadot-JS UI.

You can create a multisig account directly on the Accounts Tab of the Polkadot-JS UI, and use this account to send funds. See this support article for more information.

Multisig Transactions with Extrinsic Tab

There are three types of actions you can take with a multisig account:

  • Executing a call asMulti. This is used to begin or end a multisig transaction.

  • Approving a call approveAsMulti. This is used to approve an extrinsic and pass-on to the next signatory (see example below for more information).

  • Cancelling a call cancelAsMulti.


Check out this page for more information about the actions you can take with a multi-signature account.

In scenarios where only a single approval is needed, a convenience method as_multi_threshold_1 should be used. This function takes only the other signatories and the raw call as arguments. Note that the Polkadot-JS UI does not have integration for this call because it is not possible to create multisig accounts with threshold=1. If you want to create a multisig with threshold 1, you can use txwrapper-core, which is developed and supported by Parity Technologies. There is a detailed multisig example that you can try out and change to see how it works.

However, in anything but the simple one approval case, you will likely need more than one of the signatories to approve the call before finally executing it. When you create a new call or approve a call as a multisig, you will need to place a small deposit. The deposit stays locked in the pallet until the call is executed. The deposit is to establish an economic cost on the storage space that the multisig call takes up on the chain and discourage users from creating dangling multisig operations that never get executed. The deposit will be reserved in the caller's accounts, so participants in multisig wallets should have spare funds available.

The deposit is dependent on the threshold parameter and is calculated as follows:

Deposit = depositBase + threshold * depositFactor

Where depositBase and depositFactor are chain constants (in DOT units) set in the runtime code. Currently, the deposit base equals 20.088 DOT and the deposit factor equals 0.032 DOT.

Example using Multisig Accounts


See this video tutorial to learn how to transact with a multisig account using the Extrinsic Tab in the Polkadot-JS UI.

Let's consider an example of a multisig on Polkadot with a threshold of 2 and 3 signers: Charlie, Dan, and Eleanor. First, Charlie will create the call on-chain by calling the multisig.asMulti extrinsic with the raw call, in this case, a balance transfer (balances.transferKeepAlive extrinsic) from multisig CDE to Frank's account. When doing this, Charlie will have to deposit DepositBase + (2 * DepositFactor) = 20.152 DOT while he waits for either Dan or Eleanor also to approve the balance transfer call using the multisig.approveAsMulti or the multisig.asMulti extrinsics.

If Dan submits the multisig.approveAsMulti extrinsic, he approves Charlie's call but he passes on the final approval to Eleanor. So, although the multisig has threshold 2, in this case all 3/3 signatories need to participate in the transaction approval. Eleanor will need to submit a multisig.asMulti or multisig.approveAsMulti extrinsic to transfer funds from CDE to Frank.

Alternatively, Dan or Eleanor can just submit a multisig.asMulti extrinsic after Charlie to transfer the funds. In this case, 2/3 signatories will participate in the transaction approval. The accounts approving Charlie's call will not need to place the deposit, and Charlie will receive his deposit back once the transfer is successful or canceled. To cancel the transaction, Dan or Eleanor can use the multisig.cancelAsMulti extrinsic.

Note that multisigs are deterministic, which means that multisig addresses are generated from the addresses of signers and the threshold of the multisig wallet. No matter the order of the signatories' accounts, the multisig will always have the same address because accounts' addresses are sorted in ascending order.


Public keys of signers' wallets are compared byte-for-byte and sorted ascending before being used to generate the multisig address. For example, consider the scenario with three addresses, A, B, and C, starting with 5FUGT, 5HMfS, and 5GhKJ. If we build the ABC multisig with the accounts in that specific order (i.e. first A, then B, and C), the real order of the accounts in the multisig will be ACB. If, in the Extrinsic tab, we initiate a multisig call with C, the order of the other signatories will be first A, then B. If we put first B, then A, the transaction will fail.

This has some implications when using the Extrinsics tab on the Polkadot-JS UI to perform multisig transactions. If the order of the other signatories is wrong, the transaction will fail. This does not happen if the multisig is executed directly from the Accounts tab (recommended). The Polkadot-JS UI supports multisig accounts, as documented on the Account Generation page. You can see our video tutorials for more information about creating multisig accounts and transacting with them using both the Accounts Tab and the Extrinsic Tab in the Polkadot-JS UI.

Multisig with Multix Tool


See this video tutorial and this article for more information about using Multix for multisig accounts.

The Multix tool is an easy-to-use interface to manage complex multisigs. The tool is part of the open-source Polkadot/Kusama Tech Stack. Besides being user-friendly, Multix provides several benefits compared to the Polkadot-JS UI:

  • When one person creates the multisig account, all the signatories see the multisig account on their interface.

  • There is no need to pass around the call data to confirm a transaction. Such information is retrieved from the chain and displayed to the users.

  • Thanks to the power of pure proxies, adding and removing signatories or adjusting the threshold is now possible without creating new multisigs and Multix provides an intuitive interface to work with pure proxies.

Decoding Multisig Call Data


Before signing a transaction, it is important to know the exact specifics of what is being signed. Check the "How to use a multisig account" in the support docs on how to decode the multisig call data.

Last updated