Burn and mint new money

List of wallet addresses not working

Detail: https://docs.skypirl.tech/skypirl-pirl/list-of-wallet-addresses-not-working

Spend from the treasury and Burn

Detail: https://docs.skypirl.tech/skypirl-pirl/spend-from-the-treasury-and-burn

Mint coins and transfer coins to the treasury

Detail: https://docs.skypirl.tech/skypirl-pirl/mint-coins-and-transfer-coins-to-the-treasury

In the future, when the SkyPirl project is successfully merged, we will discuss and introduce a new policy to support the community to receive SkyPirl coins back in the list of 118 Staking wallets.

Proposer: Alex Shevlakov Voting Status: Yes Send your policy to SkyPirlNew@gmail.com to receive Pirl coin if we use your policy. Thank

Last updated